The Miss Organized Show

The Dangers of Owning Hand Me Down Furniture

Tracy Paye Episode 2

The dresser your mom gave you to "keep in the family", that couch your husband inherited when his dad died, the desk that Aunt Judy pressured you into taking so your grandma doesn't rollover in her grave.  As honorable as it may seem to take hand me down furniture from the family, in doing so you may be bringing more harm than good to your home and the lives of everyone living in your home. 

From the emotional toll holding on to hand me downs can take on an individual and their families to Interfering with a child's sense of ownership in their bedrooms, hand me down furniture, if it's not loved and used can often bring discord in the home and strife in it's occupants lives. 

Website:  MissOrganized

Book: If Clutter Could Talk....The Stories It Would Tell