The Miss Organized Show

Loving Your Home is Loving Yourself

Tracy Paye

February, the month of love where gifts of candy, cards, flowers and jewelry are given and received as expressions of love. 

But, what about showing yourself some love? 

Acts of self-love are the oxygen masks we must put on ourselves first to be able to love others. Not doing so can lead to fatigue, resentment, depression and sickness. It can burn us out and make us feel like we have nothing left to give. 

Massages, quiet time, a nature hike and bubble baths are wonderful ways to express self-love. 

But would you believe organizing is too? 

Organizing helps to calm and clear the mind. It creates a supportive and nurturing environment that meets your personal needs and preferences. It saves time by making cleaning easier. It restores energy, boosts confidence and increases overall well-being. 

Here’s some organizing tips to get your self-love fest started. 

Tip #1 - Purge clothes that don’t serve you. Having a closet of clothes you love and use will start your day on a positive note and make you feel much better about yourself. 

Tip #2 – Create a home spa. Organize all of your spa products like bath salts, candles and essential oils in one spot so you’re ready to go when you’re ready to unwind. 

Tip #3- Set up a workout space. Loving yourself is much easier to do when you physically feel good. Whether it’s yoga, weight training or cardio, you’ll more likely exercise if your workout gear and equipment are easily accessible. 

Tip #4 – Organize your calendar to schedule YOU time. With all of the responsibilities we have taking care of others, it’s easy to forget about taking care of ourselves. Even if it’s only for 30 minutes, schedule time for YOU. 

Tip #5 – Designate a YOU only spot. Whether it’s an entire room or just a small space on a counter top, creating a sacred space for only you exercises boundaries which is a form of self-care. 

Focusing on loving yourself, is vital to loving others. So go ahead and self-love yourself to death.

Website:  Miss Organized
Book:  If Clutter Could Talk....The Stories It Would Tell